The VIAMP preamplifier modules are specially designed printed circuit boards for operation with KETEK’s VITUS Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD). The assembly comprises an ultra-low noise, ramped reset type electronic preamplifier of positive polarity with onboard settings and filtering for all necessary SDD bias voltages.

Depending on the size and application of the SDD module, three standard Aluminum housing options are available for the electronic boards, which provide appropriate protection and serve as a sufficient heat sink.


VIAMP-KC 3.0 with standard housing for VITUS modules H7 to H50

Unique Features

  • Ultra-low noise preamplifier
  • Ramped output, positive polarity
  • Low power consumption
  • Available with Graphene based VITUS SDDs
  • Improved quantum efficiency for higher energies in combination with VICO-DV 3.0 with KETEK DPP3
  • Flex lead connection lengths from 50 mm to 200 mm
  • OEM solution for mobile XRF applications
  • Guaranteed energy resolution for Mn-Kα-line: FWHM < 133eV @
    1 μs peaking time and −35 °C SDD chip temperature
  • Guaranteed peak to background > 15,000, typical > 20,000
  • Other housing designs on request


First amplification stage KETEK CSA
Energy resolution (@ Mn-Kα, -35 °C chip temperature and 1 µs peaking time) ≤ 133 eV
Peak to background > 15,000
Peak to tail > 2,000
Peak shift stability up to 100 kcps < 1 eV
Max. input countrate 2,000 kcps
Graphene CH window

Graphene CL window

1 μm Carbon

165 nm Carbon

Cooling performance
at +20 °C heat sink temperature
∆T > 85 K


The spectrum has been acquired in KETEK’s standard end qualification test stand with an Fe-55 source. The input count rate has been 50 kcps at a peaking time of 1 μs and a SDD chip temperature of -35 °C. The spectrum shows an excellent energy resolution for Mn-Kα and peak-to-background ratio.

Energy Resolution

This plot shows the energy resolution for Mn-Kα measured with a VIAMP-KC 3.0 and KETEK DPP3 at different peaking times from 25 ns to 8 μs at a SDD chip temperature of -35 °C. The best set of parameters depend on the application optimizing either the energy resolution or the achievable through put.

Operating Parameters

Parameter Typical Maximum Ratings
Positive Power Supply DC +5 V
18 mA
+4.9 V to +5.4 V
22 mA max
Negative Power Supply DC -5 V
8 mA
-5.4 V to -4.9 V
12 mA max
Output Signal Positive Ramp
Output Amplitude ±0.975 V ±0.95 Vpp,min
±1.0 Vpp,max
Output Gain* 5 mV/keV ±20 %
Gain Stability < 20 ppm/°C
External Reset (VICO-DV 3.0) 0 V or + 3.3 V
HV Supply DC -168 V
≈ 95 µA
±5 V
110 µA max
TEC Supply DC 157 mA / 1.58 V @ -35 °C 500 mA / 7 V
TEC ∆T > 85 K @ +20 °C heat sink temp.
Temp. Sensor 10 kΩ Thermistor @ +25 °C ≤ 1 µA
*other gain on request

Operation Block Diagram

FFC connection

8-Pin FFC

VIAMP communication with VICO-DV 3.0 supply electronics

FFC Cable Length

The flat flexible cable is available in 50 mm, 100 mm and 200 mm length.

Pin Assignment 10-Pin FFC
Pin 1 TEC Return
Pin 2 TEC Supply
Pin 3 Positive Supply
Pin 4 Negative Supply
Pin 5 GND (Signal Return)
Pin 6 Signal Out
Pin 7 Temperature Sensor
Pin 8 GND
Pin 9 Not Connected
Pin 10 HV Supply


Grounding and Thermal Scheme

The VIAMP needs to be mounted using a gap pad which is electrically isolated but thermally conductive, as the VIAMP housing functions as heat sink.

Temperature Read-out

The temperature of the SDD chip is determined by a thermistor with a resistance-temperature correlation according to the following equation:

SDD Modules

KETEK’s Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD) are the state-of-the-art X-ray sensors for the energy range between 0.05 keV and 30 keV.


3rd generation of the VICO electronics board with or without KETEK’s digital pulse processor DPP3