Complete XRF multi-channel system with 3 to 7 Silicon Drift Detector channels with integrated cooling and power supply unit. Each channel consists of a vacuum-tight SDD module, ultra-low noise preamplifier and a digital pulse processor board (analog version available).


Multi-Channel SDD Array with up to 7 channel for VITUS modules H7 to H50

Unique Features

  • KETEK VITUS H7 to H50 SDD modules (vacuum encapsulated)
  • Two different graphene window types available for high energies (CH) and low energies (CL)
  • Up to 350 mm² active collimated area
  • Guaranteed: FWHM < 133 eV @ 1 μs peaking time for Mn-Kα-line
  • Optimized for high input count rates up to 1 Mcps per channel and short peaking times down to 0.1 μs
  • X-ray detection energy range from 0.1 keV to > 30 keV
  • Standard finger lengths:
    200, 300, 400, 500 or 600 mm (customized length available)
  • Fully UH-Vacuum compatible, vacuum flange CF-63 (customized flange available)
  • 3, 4, 5 or 7 channels configurable
  • No additional chiller, vacuum pump nor ion getter pump necessary; system can be switched off without loss of vacuum
  • Air cooled system, no heat pipe used;
    system can be mounted in any direction
  • Analog and digital version available
  • Digital system with integrated USB-Hub
    (analog output always accessible)
  • One common input for external RESET
  • INHIBIT output for each channel available
  • Status LED for each channel and for system status


First amplification stage KETEK CSA
Energy resolution (@ Mn-Kα, -35 °C chip temperature and 1 µs peaking time) ≤ 133 eV
Peak to background > 15,000
Peak to tail > 2,000
Peak shift stability up to 100 kcps < 1 eV
Max. input countrate 1,000 kcps
Graphene CH window
Graphene CL window
1 μm Carbon
165 nm Carbon
Cooling performance
at +20 °C heat sink temperature
∆T > 85 K


The Spectrum of an ARRAY 3.0 with VITUS SDD H50s shows an excellent performance for Mn-Kα in a multi-channel measurement. No crosstalk between the channels is observed. The input count rate has been 50 kcps at a peaking time of 1 μs and a SDD chip temperature of -35 °C.

Channel Configuration

KETEK’s multi-channel SDD system ARRAY 3.0 is configurable to meet individual requirements.

  • 3 to 7 channels
  • different SDD modules can be mixed in one system (from VITUS H7 to H50)
  • two graphene window types available, one for high energies (CH) and one for low energies (CL)

Technical Data

Parameter Specification
Electrical requirements 100-240 VAC, 50/60 Hz
Power consumption max. 1.4 A (100 VAC); max. 0.7 A (240 VAC)
Protection class 1
Weight 6.5 kg
Sound pressure level < 70 dB
Operating Temperature Range 0 °C to +30 °C


Connector Notes
USB Output USB Type B
VCC-IN 4-pin LEMO connector
SPI OUT 4-pin LEMO connector
Inhibit OUT SMA connector
Reset IN SMA connector
Analog Out SMA connector


SDD Modules

KETEK’s Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD) are the state-of-the-art X-ray sensors for the energy range between 0.05 keV and 30 keV.


3rd generation of the VICO electronics board with or without KETEK’s digital pulse processor DPP3