Meet the founder of KETEK

* 1938 – † 2007
1959 – 1965
Studies of Physics at the University of Würzburg (Bachelor´s Degree) and at the University of Heidelberg (Diploma). Diploma thesis at the MPI for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg with the subject: “Development of a combined dE/E counter by boron implantation in n-silicon”.
1965 – 1966
Designs and develops Ge(Li)-detectors at the MPI for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg.
1966 – 1970
PhD at the Institute for Radio Chemistry of TU-Munich with the title: “Analysis of the mass distribution of the fission products of Pa-231 and U-232 by irradiation of reactor neutrons”. For this purpose a gamma-measurement-setup has been built with self-made Ge(Li)-detectors.
1970 – 1992
Head of detector laboratory in the department of physics at the TU-Munich in Garching. Processing of Ge(Li)-detectors for experiments in nuclear physics and nuclear reactors. Develops planar technology for processing high-purity silicon.
Publishes planar technology with ion implantation in Nuclear Instruments and Methods (NIM).
1985 – 1989
Head of the central research laboratory of MBB in Ottobrunn. Designs and constructs a semiconductor laboratory for mechanotronics.
1989 – 2007
Founder and managing director of KETEK GmbH.
1992 – 2002
R & D contracts with the MPI for Extraterrestrial Physics, supervision of the MPI semiconductor laboratory in Munich, produces world´s largest pn-CCD for XMM-Newton.
1996 – 2002
Member of the Editorial Board of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research.
1999 – 2000
Design and installation of the new MPI semiconductor laboratory in Munich-Perlach.
2002 – 2007
Reorganizes KETEK GmbH with focus on product development and production, installation of cleanroom and office, composition of strategic alliances, market leadership of KETEK products, founds the company Sensotron in Sofia.
Receives the Innovation Award of the consortium of Bavarian bankers with the title “Bavarian Medium-sized Enterprise of the Year 2004” for outstanding product innovations and exemplary company management.
Publication of adaption of epitaxy in detector production in Nuclear Instruments and Methods.